My 2021 bullet journal set up is all about wellness. I decided to start a new bullet journal this year because I continue to struggle with my mental health. I thought my bullet journal would be a good way to monitor my mental health and have a creative outlet. I feel it provides me with a good dose of art therapy which I need in my life at the moment.
My Plan
I decided to do a simple floral theme to set up my journal this year. I saw an example of this theme on Instagram by Bullet With E and felt it would make a nice opening page for the front of my journal. It was a cute, delicate, and simple design which I thought I could easily recreate.

Next, I had to decide how wanted my journal to flow. Since it had been over 2.5 years since I had done any bullet journaling, I needed to look at my two previous journals to get some ideas. I decided in advance that I only wanted to have one journal this time around. Therefore, I needed to figure out how to combine my favorite elements from both journals into one journal for the year.
Since I prefer to keep things simple, I chose to just do the first two cover pages with just the title and year. On the third page, I drew a few banners and post-it note designs in order to list some of my goals for the year. For the remainder of my journal I opted to have a decorative cover page introducing each month. The second page of the month would be for my things-to-do list and random notes. Pages three and four would be my monthly calendar. Pages five and six would be for my mood and habit trackers. Finally, the last four pages would contain my weekly thoughts and feelings.

The Outcome
Once I finished setting up the beginning of my wellness bullet journal, I felt confident that I had a solid plan for how I wanted to create and use my bullet journal for the entire year. I also think my bullet journal set up looks pretty nice. It’s clean, simple, and straight to the point.

Tell me what you think about my 2021 bullet journal set up in the comments below.