I’m always looking for unique gift ideas and these shabby chic DIY egg carton gift boxes didn’t disappoint. They make the perfect Spring gift for both children and adults alike. Plus, they can hold anything from food to small trinkets. You can’t ask for anything more in a gift.
My Inspiration
I first saw this idea on Pinterest of course. The idea was posted on the Momtasic website. In her post, she provided a detailed description of how she created these boxes as gifts for various Spring events. Her boxes were beautifully painted in bright colors and accented with large flowers. She also placed donut holes in each slot and gave them away to family and friends.
How I Created The Gift Boxes
After I finished reading her post, I was completely sold on the idea of making these DIY egg carton gift boxes. I then eagerly proceeded to look at all of the examples of these boxes on Pinterest that I could find. There were so many ways to design these boxes. The possibilities were endless.
A month after I made this discovery, I set out to make these gift boxes for my nieces Noelle and Ayla. I had to create my boxes on a strict budget. Therefore, I had to find cheap supplies from various sources. Fortunately, everything was on sale for Easter at many of the stores. So, I was able to purchase everything at a good price.

My Creative Process
I originally wanted to buy the egg cartons already painted and ready to go at Hobby Lobby. Unfortunately, I got there too late. They were sold out in the stores and online. Which meant I needed to purchase the egg cartons at the grocery store and paint them myself. In the end, I bought two six-count egg cartons from the store and painted them using pastel colored acrylic paint.

I purchased most of my supplies from Hobby Lobby. I kept it simple since I was on a budget. The candy and Easter basket grass were bought at the dollar store. You can view my supply list below.
Supply List
- 2 six-count cardboard egg cartons
- Acrylic paint
- Paintbrushes
- 2 sheets of scrapbook paper
- glue
- Easter basket grass
- Candy
- Stickers
I painted one carton blue and the other purple. I used two coats of paint on each carton. It took approximately 45 minutes for the paint to completely dry. I made sure I painted both the inside and outside of each carton.

While I waited for the paint to dry, I cut out the scrapbook paper to fit the tops and insides of the carton. I used the original sticker that came with the carton as a template to create the outside cover.
After the paint was dry, I affixed the decorative scrapbook paper onto the outside and inside of the cartons. I then decorated each box with the corresponding stickers.
Finally, I cut and placed the Easter grass in each compartment and added the candy to each cubby. In my opinion, the finished products turned out very well.

The girls absolutely loved their gifts and the candy inside. I’m glad that I was able to make these and put a smile on their faces.
What are some gift ideas you have for the Spring? Tell me about them in the comments below.