Four years ago, I thought YouTube was a site where people loaded videos about utter nonsense. I specifically remember my younger brother sending me links to videos of people doing crazy things on YouTube. Therefore, my first impression of YouTube wasn’t a positive one. I totally thought that people posted videos on there hoping to go viral and get their fifteen minutes of fame.
Then one day, I did a Google search on natural hair styles. To my surprise, a video came up that was posted on YouTube. So I decided to give it a try. Who would have known that by clicking on that video it would open my eyes to a brand new world. The video itself was tremendously helpful, but it was the other videos recommended on the side panel that caught my eye. All of a sudden, I was totally immersed in the YouTube world.
At first, I was just watching natural hair videos every morning before I left for work. Then I started learning how to subscribe and save videos to my favorites folder. Once I had that down, I realized that I could click on the videos from my subscriptions and recommendations list and place them on my “Watch Later” video list. Needless to say, I really got good at navigating the YouTube site.
Now I have progressed from my obsession with hair videos to watching videos on cooking, baking, & crafting. I even refer to YouTube when I’m looking for tutorials on just about anything that comes to mind. From makeup to building websites. Who knew that YouTube is educational as well as entertaining.
I’m really glad that my natural hair research led me to YouTube and changed my entire perspective on the site. It opened my eyes to new ideas. Plus, my new secret obsession has inspired me to learn my video software & make videos of my own. So even though I may spend hours looking at YouTube during the week, I don’t feel too bad because I’m learning new skills & being entertained all at the same time.