I was inspired by my sip and paint outing earlier this week to create a sweet gift for my nieces’ bedroom in Arizona. The original piece of art is called Pretty in Pink III and was created by an artist at Paint Nite.  My painting is my interpretation of the original.  I felt it turned out pretty nice and I was proud to bring it home to place next to my other creations.

As I was staring at my handy work, I was strongly motivated to create another one for my niece Ayla.  Being a little fashionista in the making, I just knew she would love the painting for her room.  The wheels started turing in my head immediately and I mentally created a list of supplies that I would need to buy from Michaels in order to create a copy of the original painting.

So the next day, I set out to Michaels and bought everything I needed to recreate the painting.  For Ayla’s painting, I chose to use a pink background with a blue dress.  After a couple of hours, the painting was complete.  It resembled a child-like version of the original. I was very pleased with my artistic skills once again.

After gazing at my work, I was eager to send it off to Ayla right away the next day, but then I started thinking that I couldn’t paint a picture for Ayla and not have one for her baby sister Noelle. So hours after I completed the first painting, I started creating the second painting.  The second painting had a green background and a yellow dress.  It turned out just as good as the first.

Once I finished inspecting the painting, I deemed it ready to ship. I just knew I was done with my painting endeavors.  I then proceeded to take pictures of all three paintings together and sent them to my mom for approval. My mom thought they were beautiful, but felt that I needed to create a third painting to send because I had no intention of sending the original to Arizona. She thought it would look better as a triptych in their bedroom.  I actually had to agree with her opinion on the matter. 

Needless to say, I created a third and final painting the next day.  For my last painting, I painted a woman facing forward, holding flowers, and wearing a peach colored dress against a blue background. It was my personal spin on the original painting.  She turned out just as I had envisioned her in my mind and she fit perfectly between the two girls.  

Once the third painting was done, I sent the pictures to my mother again for her approval.  She thought it was perfect and ready to go.  I shipped them the next day along with a note explaining the meaning behind the gift and stating that Ayla should pick her favorite painting out of the two girls. I dearly hope that she and the family love the paintings and that they look great in her bedroom.  I’ll write an updated post after she receives the package.